Wednesday 18 April 2012

Assignment 2 Week 2

Detail & Whole

Aalto creates a inside landscape by introducing vertical elements, lighting and the feeling of surrounding  into the building. Owners can find the strong connection between in and out via reading internal details like tree trunks, shadow of staircase, reflection on the timber ceiling .

In the landscaping, Aalto make space in different layers. By approaching, the house is read a white object with vertical and horizontal cladding. If people go into the house, they are surrounded by the cladding that echoes the atmosphere in the pine forest. The inside garden is a special space that people have stronger interaction with the enviroment as they raise plants by their hands.


Fireplace is a gathering center point in Finnish living rooms. Aalto make the living room as warm as possible by put red tiles, brown timber ceiling in the as finishes. In the more private rooms finishes showing a more peaceful reading of the spaces.

Internal & External

It could be argued that aalto leveled the lands and make height changes in the house to build more transparent spatial connections between inside and out side.

If treat the forest as a negative space the road and the house can be viewed
as  positive areas. Aalto put the house as close as possible to the road 
for extending the dimension of the courtyard. The courtyard thencan be
read as a source of light for the viewers inside the house.   

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