Tuesday 26 April 2011

new enviroment pics


  1. It seems that one enclossed model can only has one texture. If I want to use more than one texture I need to make the model partly enclosed which result in cutting one model into some parts. Do you think it is resonable Jacky?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi ray, yes you have to break it into parts. So export separate geometries with separate textures then move them back into place in the crysis environment.

    Regarding your new landscape be very careful to avoid making it look like a mass just plonked into a landscape. Go back and have a look at your previous landscape model because that is more integrated into the landscape(the middle space partially sitting on the landform, the bottom lab hanging from the cliff, etc) and you need to remember that the meeting space has to sit ON a landscape.

    That vertical member which the stair wraps around could be a lot thinner if it is to be a structural element.

    You will need to work on your electroliquid aggregation, soon, as this will tie together all the issues i have just discussed.

    Good progress!
